• Fountain Park

PDGA Women’s Global Event

The PDGA Women’s Committee is very pleased to announce the third edition of the PDGA Women’s Global Event on May 14th, 2016. Inaugurated in 2012, this biennial event broke records in 2014 and once again made history as the largest PDGA event for a single demographic within the sport of disc golf. 61 registered tournaments, spanning 28 states and 6 countries resulted in a turnout of 1,060 women competing in 17 different PDGA divisions. Let’s break those records again in 2016!

Event Details

Saturday, May 14th 2016 in Fountain Hills, AZ

Tournament Directors: Ameya Leitera & Tonya Hunter

All PDGA junior, professional and amateur women’s divisions will be offered. You do not have to be a current PDGA member to play.

2 rounds, 18 holes per round. Players pack, trophies, and prizes for all divisions. Registration fee for all divisions: $5.00

Online Registration

Current Registration: Registered Players

Follow event updates and shout outs to our sponsors @ https://www.facebook.com/events/169444720088585/

How it Works

On May 14th, women from all around the world will play two rounds of disc golf at their local participating Women’s Global Event. Scores from the first two rounds of each participating tournament will be submitted by the individual tournament directors and rated by the PDGA. These round ratings will be totaled and averaged to determine the player’s “Global Score.” For the rounds to qualify, the event must include two rounds and have at least three ratings propagators playing on the same course layout each round for ratings to be calculated as accurately as possible. Please note, the exact same course layout must be used for both rounds. The Global Scores will be updated throughout the day to determine our Women’s Global Event Champions and the winner in each division will receive a memorable trophy.


Sponsor Levels

A HUGE thank you goes out to the sponsors listed below for having already pledged their support. Please checkout their pages and give them a ‘Like’=) If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, contact Tonya & Ameya at [email protected].

Plaza Fountainside https://www.facebook.com/Plaza-Fountainside-110367128988787/

Euro Pizza Cafe https://www.facebook.com/europizzacafe/?fref=ts

Vince Gardner Las Vegas Disc Golf Legend

The Law Offices of Paul J. Sacco Acicident Injury Law https://www.facebook.com/Paul-J-Sacco-PC-237548179677266/?fref=ts

Spinners on the Green https://spinnersonthegreen.com/ https://www.facebook.com/spinners.discgolf/?fref=ts

Women’s Disc Golf Outreach https://www.facebook.com/Womens-Disc-Golf-Outreach-1586929358217603/

Sierra Nevada https://www.facebook.com/sierranevadabeer/?fref=ts

Catrina Allen https://www.facebook.com/catrulibarri44184/?fref=ts

Kevin Drossel

Jacee DeMartino-Simms

No Snow Stand Up Paddle Boards https://www.facebook.com/pages/No-Snow-Stand-Up-Paddleboards/1006075442767531?fref=ts

208 Discs https://www.facebook.com/208Discs/

Phoenix Ladies Open https://www.facebook.com/groups/152998406697/

California Krush DIsc Golf

Team Wardragon: Mat and Kim Warren

Barebones Disc Golf Club https://www.facebook.com/groups/453290991445526/

Las Vegas Disc Golf Club

Kingman Disc Golf Club https://www.facebook.com/kingman.discgolf/?fref=ts

Fountain Hills Disc Golf Club https://www.facebook.com/fhdgc/?fref=ts

Flagstaff Disc Golf Club https://www.facebook.com/flagstaffdiscgolfclub/?fref=ts

Desert Flyers https://www.facebook.com/groups/azdesertflyers/

Papago Disc Golf Club https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeamMFGREEN/

Express Valuation Appraisal Services Flagstaff, AZ http://www.expressvaluation.net/

Eric Unverzagt

Bill Mcdonough supporting Autism Awareness https://www.facebook.com/AutismAwarenessPage/?fref=ts

Marcus Mika

Grip Equipment https://www.facebook.com/GripEq/?fref=ts

Discmania https://www.facebook.com/discmania/

Prodigy Discs https://www.facebook.com/ProdigyDisc/

Scottsdale Diamonds Inc. Contact Taylor Davis  1-800-969-7038

Justin and Amy Bilodeau, checkout their event The 15th annual Solitude Open September 2nd in Solitude, Utah https://www.facebook.com/events/1064929566871639/

First Light DGA https://www.facebook.com/groups/105675476434747/

Flloyd Campbell

Discing 4 Kids http://www.discing4kids.org/

Waste Partners, Dan Yedica (602) 374-0435 http://www.wastepartners.com/location/phoenix/



Platinum – Donation value of $500 or more

  • Unlimited respect and recognition for supporting the growth of Women’s Disc Golf
  • Business name/logo included in event title e.g. Brought To You By or Presented By…
  • 5 dedicated 11″x17″ tee signs
  • Large name or company logo printed on all tournament materials and dry fit shirts provided to every player
  • Link to your website or Facebook page via our event page and website
  • Unlimited sponsor provided banners displayed throughout the event and tournament central
  • Two event custom discs and two tournament dry-fit shirts

Gold – Donation value of $250

  • Three dedicated 11″x17″ tee signs
  • Large logo on tournament printed dry-fit shirts provided for every player
  • Two sponsor provided banners displayed throughout the event and tournament central
  • Link to your website or Facebook page via our event page and website
  • One event custom disc and dry-fit shirt

Silver – Donation value of $100

  • One dedicated 9″x11″tee sign
  • Your name or business logo on all tournament printed dry-fit shirts provided for every player
  • Recognition throughout the event
  • A link to your website or Facebook page via our event page and website

Bronze – Donation value of $50

  • One shared 9″x11″tee sign

With the event right around the corner, sponsorships must be arrive by 4/21/2016 to ensure we can get your logos on printed material/t-shirts/websites/etc. Please submit your statement of interest and questions to [email protected]